مطالب » رزومه و سابقه کار بیژن صدیق زاده

اینجانب، متخصص در تحلیل و اجرای نرم افزار های تحت وب و شبکه، تحلیلگر سیستم های سازمانی متمرکز و اتوماسیون های اداری می باشم. مدیریت پروژه های تحت وب در قالب نیروهای انسانی گزینش شده، نیز بخشی از تخصص اجرایی من می باشد. 
اجرای کلیه پروژه های تحت وب، براساس تحلیل انجام گرفته روی آنها بررسی و سپس با روش Integrated Web Programming که یک متد و بسته کاملا بهینه سازی شده و بدون خطا می باشد، پیاده سازی می شود. لازم به ذکر هست در این روش از هیچ فریم ورک، بسته و عامل خارجی استفاده نشده، و کل پروژه به صورت مجتمع، با توجه به تحلیل آن، از پایه اجرا خواهد شد.

جزییات بیشتری از سابقه کاری در زیر آمده است :


Summary of Qualifications & Expertise:

  • MySQL / MariaDB
  • Galera / MaxScale
  • PostgreSQL
  • Linux Management & configuration
  • Apache / Nginx / PHP-FPM
  • Web Automation & System Scaling
  • Project Manager and System Analysis
  • Project Controlling
  • Team management & analysis
  • Support system management
  • Customer relation management
  • HTML
  • CSS / SASS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • PHP
  • AJAX
  • Adobe Fireworks
  • Macromedia Director
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe DreamWeaver
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Microsoft Windows SERVER 2016


» Karaoke in macromedia director - 2002
It’s a kind of a machine which can get a cued sound track and a text file of the lyrics and then make the sound synchronized with text.

» Database in macromedia director - 2003
A connection between V12DBE database and director which can be auto run with a CD, without any further installation on user system.  

» Audio Visualization in macromedia director - 2004
A very simple but working audio visualization which dances with any sound track, this project was going to have an output to the water pumps for the Dancing Water scenery, but has stopped due to the high expenses.

» AJAX Database Query & Data Grid - 2005
A PHP-MySQL-AJAX program which can get the data queries without the page refresh, it can be browsed in my web site samples.

» AJAX User Friendly Form Validation - 2006

» SOAP and WSDL Design - 2007
Communicating with Directi API to manipulate domains like registering, transferring, add customer, ….

» New faux column layout design for web - 2007
Design web site layout with  DIV tag and CSS for a better performance, reliability, flexibility  and to develop a faster page loading.

» 3rd Level Management Systems - 2007-2010

» RAD Library and FrameWork for web automation on LEMP - 2007-2012

» Team management and analysis with psychology methods – 2012-current

Teams are interviewed, selected and placed in the proper positions to work for startup projects. In this process, I use my special methodology in psychology to select and manage every person. In addition, there is an infrastructure in software framework to work with and a task managing software to manage the projects, which are self-made too.

» Data Analysis and integration 2016-current

Designed a integrated system for all purpose software solutions which all the analysis is on database (mariadb Cluster) and the middleware has much less comfort to make algorithms, middleware mostly reads data for DB and inserts them, other major tasks are handled in the DB cluster.

Professional Experience

  • Design and implementation of more than 10 Multimedia projects. 
  • Design and implementation of more than 20 Web sites.
  • Designing more than 3 CMS and one modular portal in PHP-MySQL.
  • Design graphical layout of sites with Macromedia Studio 8.
  • Programming in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS and AJAX.
  • Design of more than 100 Graphics including, business carts, Posters, Wallpapers, …
  • Teaching Flash, FrontPage and web design with the Teaching certificate Number of: 3/2948.
  • Software Analyzer & Project Manager
  • Database Administration and scaling for HA.
  • System scaling in all levels of programming and implementations.
  • Human Resource Manager in IT careers.


» English Institute of Shokoh (Mashhad - Iran) - 1997
FCE certificate in speaking English.

» Graduate School of Mathematics College (Mashhad - Iran) - 1999
Diploma of high school in mathematics career.

» Azad University (Mashhad - Iran) - 2004
Bachelor of Software Engineering.

Employment History

» IranITC (Hosting & Web design Co.) 2004-2005
Web and Multimedia design & programmer. http://www.iranitc.com

» FAM Institute (Architectural Co.) 2000-2004
System & website support. http://www.wwefdesign.com

» Sedighzadeh Office (Web & Multimedia Design) 2004-2006
My Personal office for website and multimedia design.

» Itaco Group Office (Hosting & Web design Co.) 2006-2008
Web and Multimedia design & programmer. http://www.itaco.biz

» Self private projects : 2008-2010

» IT consultant and System Analyzer - 2008-current

» IT consultant & HR Manager for startup projects -2015-current

Teaching History

» Meshkat Shargh Inc. 2006-2007
CIW, Dynamic Programming with LAMP

» ATC Inc. 2007-2007
Flash Animation

» Saj Inc. 2009-2010
CIW, Static & Dynamic Programing in HTML,CSS,JS and LAMP

» Mojtame Fani Tehran Inc. 2010- current
CIW, Static & Dynamic Programing in HTML,CSS,JS and LAMP

» Bartar Andishan Inc. 2014- current
CIW, Static & Dynamic Programing in HTML,CSS,JS and LAMP

» Private teaching 2006-current
Teaching Web design static & dynamic with my special teaching chart, included in Web Index which has been updated every month till now

» HR & Project Manager in web Automation 2013-current
Web based Framework creation and Project manager with the special psychology HR filtering during the interview and team managing.

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آخرین بروزرسانی : ۱۵ اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۹ | تعداد بازدید : 7941